Top Tips: how to get organised for your new school starter


Happy June! Can you believe that we are in June already? This year is speeding by at a colossal rate; we are now into the summer months and nearly at those wonderful summer holidays. If you have a new school starter, you might be thinking about the fast approaching start of school. A few tiny little months and your little one will be taking those first steps in through the school gates and embarking on their primary school journey. A journey that both you and your child have been thinking about, I’m sure, for a long time.

How are you feeling? Prepared? Scared? Excited? Anxious? All of the above and more? Starting school is a big step, for your little ones and you too. It can bring a whole host of emotions from nerves to excitement, worry to relief or even sadness that they are growing up so fast. Although it can be a scary step, it’s also an amazing journey. Children learn an incredible amount in their first year at school. They will begin to read and write, develop friendships, gain new maths knowledge, learn physical and emotional skills and so much more.


It might feel like children need to know lots to be ready for school but being ready can look different for each child. Teachers are a wonderful bunch and they know that every child is unique and will start school with their own individual needs and strengths. You don’t need to worry about whether your child knows the alphabet or can count to 20, school is where they will learn this and so much more. Being ready for school is more about children developing independence, confidence and a sense of who they are as growing little people. There are, however, some little things that are really helpful for them to practise before they start:

  • How to take their coat off and put it on.
  • How to follow a simple instruction e.g. find your coat.
  • How to go to the toilet by themselves.
  • How to wash their hands by themselves.
  • How to ask for help if they need it (what words/ gestures can they use?)
  • How to say goodbye to you or other caregivers at drop off (this can be tricky and it’s very normal for children to need some help from teachers so try not to worry.)
  • How to feed themselves and have a drink by themselves.

Try making things fun by having races, getting toys to join in and giving lots of praise when your child has a go.

But what about you? What about all of the school admin and upcoming events in the school calendar that you have never even heard of? Did you know that we have designed and created a School Starters Planner? Working in collaboration with all of our lovely members in our Facebook community, School Starters Hub, we have condensed the year into a handy bag-sized planner that not only looks good but is packed full of handy information to keep you one step ahead. Our planners are available to purchase on Amazon now and come in both a weekly view or monthly view format. They are aimed at providing you with all of the key information you will need to keep all those plates spinning by providing you with pre-populated pages with main dates for school events. World book day? Yes, I got the costume 2 weeks ago!

Here are our top tips to beat the school admin overwhelm! We’ve been on both sides of the classroom door and have found some important things to try and do to stay on top of it all.

1. Put all dates from school into the planner as soon as you can.

2. Use a phone calendar to set reminders and alarms for important things to remember.

3. Schools will communicate with you in lots of ways; emails, texts, newsletters and via an app. Check school communications regularly (the planner will remind you to do this)

4. Check your school app or website monthly to find the specific information to add to the planner.

5. Add the School contact details and all logins to the Important Info section, you’ll be so glad you did!

6. Add notes for weekly things to remember – letters or colour codes work well, for example add a red star every Friday if it’s a PE day.

7. Keep all of the information in here, then you won’t have to go hunting for bits of paper and you’ll feel like an organised superhero!

We hope that you find all of this information useful. As ever, let us know if you have any questions about your new school starter, school or life in general; we would love to hear from you.

Enjoy the sunshine,


5 fun ideas to develop storytelling with your child.

5 fun ideas to develop storytelling with your child.

National Storytelling week runs from 30th January until 4th February 2021 and it’s an opportunity to celebrate and recognise the value of stories. If you’ve followed us for a while you will know we’re huge book fans, as teachers for many moons we have spent hundreds of hours reading to and with children. We plan the majority of our learning with stories and books as a starting point and in our home lives we read to our own children as much as we can. But what Storytelling week helps us to remember is that stories don’t always have to come from books. For thousands of years  stories have been told as a way of passing on important messages from generation to generation. Many cultures are famous for their storytelling, it’s a skill, a talent to be taught and learnt.

Storytelling for our children is a wonderful learning experience whether it starts from a book or something made up in the minds of a tired adult at bedtime (mine are always epically random but Lily seems to love these ones the best!) For children hearing stories being told and re-telling some themselves has so many benefits, here’s just a few:

– vocabulary acquisition

– speech development

– cultural understanding

– develops imagination and creativity

– increased concentration and focus

– develops senses and, depending on the story, increased understanding of their own and the feelings of others

I could go on but you get the idea; stories are great! We value storytelling hugely and have based all of our School Readiness programme session on the Character of Ted to create story led learning for the children. Be in our Facebook community School Starters Hub to hear about our next launch of the School Ready with Teddy programme.

Books can be a brilliant place to start but it’s great to have some other story ideas up your sleeve and if you have a child who has an allergy to sitting still then books aren’t always where they find the story magic! So here we’ve collected just 5 easy ways to use stories and storytelling to have all the great outcomes listed above but without needing to sit still and listen!

1. Act it out

Some stories are made to be acted out, especially ones with a journey. Going on a Bear Hunt is the perfect story to re-tell on a walk. To act out stories just start to re-tell them. “Oh no, grass, long wavy grass…..” You can do it on a walk or just pretend in the garden or inside. Ask your child what props they could find to set it up. Develop their imagination by using the sofa as the mud and a blanket on the floor as the river etc! You can also involve puppets and masks to add to the performance!

Other books that are great to be acted out:

Room on the broom

What the Ladybird Heard

Peace at Last


2. Role Play a Scene

Stories can be brilliant as a lead in to playful activities. Use your child’s favourite story to inspire some role play. The Tiger who came to Tea is a brilliant example. Set up a mini tea party/ picnic. You can have a tiger or other unusual animal already there or ready to knock on the door. Explore the story, role play what happened or let your child lead however they have been inspired.

Other great book/ set ups:

3. Story Cubes

Making up stories is loads of fun, but sometimes children can get stuck for ideas. Story cubes bought or homemade versions are a great way to give some structure to story telling. The idea if you have a set of storytelling cubes or dice with pictures on. You can roll them out and tell a story using the ones which are face up or you can pick/ roll one at a time to tell the next part of the story.  If you don’t have story cubes you can use post it notes with simple stick drawings or words, use flashcards with pictures if you have some or if you’re creative make some story stones by drawing on pebbles.

Some useful story elements for making your own prompts:

  • different characters 
  • a few settings 
  • some objects
  • different weather/ time options

4. Imitate a favourite story

This is a top teacher tactic, we’re giving you the inside scoop! Children can find it hard to make up their own completely unique story, actually adults can too! And there’s a huge amount to think about when trying to tell a story; charatcers, setting, plot etc. A great idea is to take a story you know and love and retell it just changing one or two details. For example imagine how ‘The Very Hungry Dinosaur’ story goes (instead of The very Hungry Caterpillar.) Fairy tales work well for this idea too; The Three Little Hedgehogs (Pigs,) Little Blue Riding Hood, Three Billy Cows Gruff. 

Imitating is a great conversation as you can ask questions about what changes you should make, explore how it changes the story. You can come back to your ideas over a few days and re-tell in different ways.

5. Turn Taking Stories

Often the best stories are the funny ones. And there’s nothing funnier than when you can’t control where the story is going. Take it in turns to tell a part of a story, it could be a sentence each or a few sentences. Here’s what happened when I tried this with Lily at dinner the other day:

Me: Once upon a time there was a….

Lily: Dragon called Lily…

Me: who was brave and fierce. One sunny morning Lily went exploring…

Lily: and she found a cave with treasure and some poo!

It only took two sentences to get some toilet humour in there!! She always names characters after herself and other family members too which makes me laugh. We did carry the story on and I tried to make it a cleaner version but children will be children! 

If your child finds it hard to think of ideas, in addition to the story cubes mentioned above, the You Choose books are a brilliant way to engage their creativity, develop vocabulary and explore new ideas. Each book has no words but a huge range of pictures to choose from.


So there’s 5 storytelling ideas with not one mention of reading or writing! Perfect for home schooling, developing vocabulary, creativity, connection and fun.

The pictures in this blog involve the wonderful Ted from our school readiness programme designed to get children ready for school in a fun and engaging way. Pop to our facebook community School Starters Hub to find out more about how we support families to prepare for school and to hear about the upcoming launch.

We’d love to know if you try some of these and what you think? Or if you have any of your own brilliant storytelling tips please share with us via the comment box or on social media.

Wishing you your version of a ‘happily ever after!’

Em xx

Top ten educational gift ideas!

Top ten educational gift ideas!

How on earth is it December already? Normally I’m quite organised but this year it’s not the case. There are some brilliant gift lists out there this year and a real focus on shopping small and independent. I like to do this where possible but for me it’s a balance, in the same way that I like to buy a mix of educational and playful gifts.

Being teachers, Vix and I can’t help but spot the learning opportunities in most toys and we often get asked for recommendations. So we’ve come up with our top ten educational gift buys to give you some extra inspiration. Some are from Amazon, some are from independent shops, some are specific items and some are links to a range of products. Most are small gifts maybe to top up the stocking, ask for from relatives or for those who are really organised – some last minute add-ons! All are recommended for children aged between 2-7 and nearly all (at the time of writing) are under £15. Just click the pictures to buy, we hope you enjoy them!

Just to let you know that some links in this blog are affiliate links which means we earn a very tiny amount if you click through and buy from here. We won’t be offended if you’d rather search direct but it helps us to keep creating content for you if you do buy through here.



Ideas to inspire Reading, Writing and Language development.

In this blog we haven’t included story or non fiction books – instead we have a whole one especially for them!

1. The little writing company activity books

 An imaginative and vibrant collection of activity books for all ages. Lovely stocking fillers to support and encourage children’s writing at home. There’s story writing notebooks, handwriting books, outdoor adventure books and more.

2. Mini Whiteboard

Useful for lots of home learning. This little whiteboard is magnetic so you can use magnetic letters or numbers to create words or sums. It also has a squared side for maths work and a plain side for writing and drawing. 

3. Invisible Ink Pens

These little pens make a great stocking filler to inspire little readers and writers. The 6 pens write in invisible ink and you use the magic light on the end to illuminate the writing. Great for writing hidden letters or numbers for children to find. Practise tricky words, spellings or write secret notes!

4. Story Telling Dice

 I can’t get away from stories, so if it isn’t books then making stories up is the next best thing. These story dice are a great way to help children develop ideas, make up stories and to be inspired to write. Another nice toy to take out and about.


5. Lower case letters

It’s hard to find lowercase letters and this is the best place to start for pre-schoolers or to use with early readers and writers. Here is an inexpensive set of magetic letters and also foam ones which are great for messy play, the bath and outside!

Ideas to inspire STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) learning:

6. Shape Puzzles

 A great little kit to develop fine motor skills, shape and colour recognition and language skills. This kit would be a great one for out and about.

7. Baking Soda Rocket

From Vix’s favourite shop Crane and Kind in Sidmouth this little kit looks like lots of fun.

If you’re not into science kits but want some more children’s gift ideas from and indie shop click and have a look. They have some really beautiful things (and for parents too, be warned!!)

8. Maths scales

I like multipurpose toys and we have a verson of these scales. They’re perfect for supporting children’s early understanding of number. You can use them for counting, find equal numbers, adding (including number bonds) number recognition and matching numbers to amounts. Using these for number bonds is really clever, for example for bonds to 10 you add 10 to one side and then have to put the pairs of numbers on the other side to make it balance!

9. Science Experiments

Galt have a range of little science kits for developing children’s exploration of how things work. This bubble kit is easy to use and doesn’t make too much mess, a big hit in my book! You can buy 2 or 3 kits togther which would be nice for siblings to share and explore together.

10. Mini Carpenter Kits

Ok, so technically these are above the £20 limit I set myself when collecting these ideas but I can’t not include these creative and sustainable mini carpenter kits for children. Not least because they’re created by my husband!!

Perfect for little builders to create their own bird house or bug hotels.


Right, I better stop there, I keep finding new things I want to buy! I hope this list is helpful with some extra ideas to add some quality learning to your gift buying this year. We would love to know if we have inspired you to buy or if you have some suggestions for us.

Happy shopping!

Em and Vix x

Brilliant Books to buys as gifts!

Brilliant Books to buys as gifts!

I love children’s books, probably a little too much! Each bookcase in the girls’ bedrooms is overflowing and there are little stashes of books all over the house! I’ve read nearly 100 books for children in our Facebook group which started during lockdown to provide free teaching for children in Reception, year 1 and year 2. I’m still reading on the group just weekly now but I still love it, even though my bank balance is less keen as I use it as an excuse to buy more! I often get asked for book recommendations and with Christmas on the horizon (looming a little too fast for my liking) I thought I’d share my top recommendations for books as gifts, just click on the images to buy striaght from Amazon.

I’ve listed the ages that they would be most suitable for and the best bits but all children are different so the age ranges could expand. I’d love to know if you have extra recommendations too, we will share all comments and contributions on social media!

Just to let you know the links in this blog are affiliate links which means we earn a very tiny amount if you click through and buy from here. We won’t be offended if you’d rather search direct for the books but it helps us to keep creating content for you if you do buy through here.

Ok, here’s my top 10 (it’s actually 11 and possibly more with box sets, oops!)


Search and Find Alphabet of Alphabets

What’s it all about? A brilliant book with engaging pictures, words and ideas. Think ‘Where’s Wally but more educational. There are 26 pages and on each 26 objects to search for. It is our the current favourite in our house, my 1 year old loves finding the mouse that is hiding on each page and my four year old loves discovering new words and searching for things that begins with sounds she has learnt at school. 

Perfect for: Age 1-6

Best bits: Great gift for siblings as it suits a wide age range and lovely because it will last so long, the ways to use it are really vast.


An Anthology of Intriguing Animals

What’s it all about? This is the most beautiful children’s encyclopaedia of animals that I’ve ever seen. I’ve bought it for so many friend’s children and it seems to have become a favourite in their houses too. This book has a page per animal and the text is well written, it is short and sweet but gives interesting and sometimes funny factual information. For each animal there are stunning photographs and incredible illustrations which is such a lovely mix to see in a book. 

Perfect for: Age 4-8 (the text is appropriate for approximately age 5/6 to begin to read depending on how competent they are)

Best bits: The pictures! This could easily be a coffee table book it’s so beautiful.


The Invisible String

 What’s it all about? A story about human connection. This is such a wonderful story about we are connected to others by love and in 2020 it’s message could not be more helpful and perfect. My four year old adores this as a bedtime read and will talk about all of the people who she has invisible strings with, it’s a tear jerker for sure!

Perfect for: Age 3-8 and for any children who are missing friends and family (also helpful for talking about grief and loss)

Best bits: The message, this is a story which will form part of your family conversations about love and connection to others. This would be a lovely gift for those you are unable to be physically with this year.


Goose Books by Laura Wall

What’s it all about? The Goose stories are created by Devon Artist Laura Wall. They are brightly coloured with simple and engaging text and illustrations. Both my girls love the stories and Goose goes to School is a big hit. We’ve got lots of the collection, other favourites include – Goose Gets Ready (a baby book) Goose Goes to the Zoo and Goose goes Shopping!

Perfect for: Ages 0-6 (The text would be appropriate for age 5/6 to begin to read depending on their competence)

Best bits: These books would be really lovely if you always buy for a family or child and want to start a tradition. There are a huge number of stories and you could buy one per birthday, Christmas and other celebrations.

Not all of the books are available on amazon, here’s a link to Laura’s Goose shop – this isn’t an affiliate link:


Storyteller's Word a Day

What’s it all about? This book is from a company called Mrs Wordsmith which I regularly recommend to parents and teachers alike. They have brilliant resources to support children learning new words and developing their language from phonics games to dictionaries. This word a day book is brilliant for helping children to learn new words, understand their meaning and put them into context. The illustrations are bright and funny, they are really engaging for all.

Perfect for: Ages 4-8 (The storytellers dictionary is fab for older children and really supports reluctant writers to develop their use of language. It’s especially popular with boys)

Best bits: A great gift for a child or teacher and something that is fun yet really educational.


Julia Donaldson Audio Story Collection

What’s it all about? Ok so not technically a book but instead a collection of stories and songs by the very wonderful Julia Donaldson. We were given the older version as a gift when Lily was 1 and it’s been so well used. Great stories and songs to listen to in the car and on children’s CD players. You can also get versions on audible and Amazon are offering a free trial which could be timed perfectly if you’ve got a long journey coming up!

Perfect for: Ages 1-6 

Best bits: A lovely gift for siblings or a younger child as the stories are entertaining for years. I still love them!


Clem and Crab

What’s it all about? A beautifully illustrated story about cleaning up our beaches. This is the only book in the list which we don’t own yet, it’s Vix’s family favourite and as beach lovers it looks perfect.

(edit: I have just ordered it, I really don’t need any more books but I couldn’t resist)

Perfect for: Ages 1-6 

Best bits: A powerful and important message told in a lovely way for children to understand.

Another story I love with a powerful message about protecting our planet is Elephant in my Kitchen, here’s a little link to that one too!)


Oliver Jeffers collection

What’s it all about? I just can’t pick a favourite book from Oliver Jeffers. All of his stories are incredible; they are moving, funny and relatable. The illustrations are captivating and engaging for children and adults alike. This link is to a collection of four stories about discoveries and friendships. You can buy them separately too and he is an author I would definitely recommend if you’re looking to start buying a collection for a gifts. One Oliver Jeffers book for each celebration would be such a lovely idea.

Perfect for: Ages 1-7 but wonderful for older children too (I’ve used the stories with children aged 11 and know as an adult I love to read them too!)

Best bits: Thought provoking and interesting stories that will spark discussion, curiosity and imagination. 

I also love ‘Here we are’ and Oliver has new book out – ‘What we’ll Build’ Links here:

Ok, I’ve had to force myself to stop here. I could go on listing my favourites for another 50 or so books. I think these give a good mix of fiction and non-fiction, age range and suitability. If you don’t think any of these would suit and want some more ideas just pop us a message giving some details about the child/ family you’re hoping to buy for. I promise I’ll have something to recommend!

I really hope this list has given you some inspiration, wishing you happy shopping!

Em x

Phonics SOS

Phonics SOS

 We’ve all heard of it…but does anyone actually know what it is? Ever wondered what the heck teachers are talking about in your child’s report or during parent’s evening when they mention phonics? Well, quite simply, phonics is HOW children are taught to read and write. Children learn the sounds that single letters and groups of letters make then use this information to read words and spell words. Simple, hey? Well….in principle it is! But I was never taught like that’, I hear you cry!! No and it can feel confusing so we’re here to help. Learning sounds helps children spell and read by breaking down each word rather than just learning spelling rules.

During the course of the first few years of school, your child will learn all of the sounds that are needed to help them spell and read words. Phonics is grouped into levels of difficulty and these groups are called Phases. Your child will be taught the letters and sounds in each Phase and taught rules that apply to these sounds. There are, of course, a few words that we cannot apply these rules to and these are called Tricky Words or Common Exception Words. Children learn to recognise and remember these as whole words.

Here’s a brief overview of the Phases:

Phase 1: This is focused on listening skills, hearing sounds and making sounds in different ways. It also includes rhyming, syllables and hearing sounds in words. Phase 1 is taught at nursery and pre-school. It is such a vital part of phonics learning that is sometimes overlooked in a rush for children to learn letters.

Phase 2: This is taught in the first year of school. Children will learn the most commonly used sounds, the letters which make these sounds and how to read and write them. They also learn some Tricky Words which don’t follow the sound patterns they have learnt. Some pre-schools will start to teach some sounds but this is always recapped at school.

Phase 3: Also taught in the first year of school, phase 3 includes more sounds, tricky words and also where two or three letters are used to make one sound (digraphs and trigraphs, for more on these see our jargon buster info at the end of this blog)

Phase 4: Sometimes taught in children’s first year at school and recapped in Year 1, sometimes started in Year 1. Phase 4 does not include new sounds, instead children learn longer words and where we blend consonants together e.g lamp, crisp, frog, step. They also learn lots of new tricky words.

Phase 5: Phase 5 is taught in Year 1. Using previously learnt sounds, children learn where the same sounds are written with different letters and groups of letters. For example, they will learn the ‘ai’ sound in rain can also be written like ‘ay’ as in day or like ‘a_e’ as in cake. They also learn some new Tricky Words.

Phase 6: Taught in Year 2 this is the last phase of formal phonics learning. All of the sounds have been learnt and this phase includes understanding the past tense, word endings, using apostrophes and more to help children become more fluent with reading and spelling.

There are a wealth of resources to help support your child’s learning of sounds on the internet but sometimes it can feel like too much. All schools teach phonics but they will use a range of different methods for doing this. It is a really good idea to ask your child’s teacher what scheme they use at school. Then, you can then have a little google to see if there are helpful videos/ resources which match how your child is learning in school. Many schemes will have recognisable pictures, songs and actions to help your child remember the sounds and letter shapes. When your child starts bringing books home to read most schools try to select books which only feature words that they have been taught during their phonics and literacy sessions. 

Phonics can include so many jargon terms which makes it even scarier. You might hear words like digraph, trigraph, blending, segmenting and phoneme to name just a few. If you’d like to know what all of these mean just pop to our jargon buster where we give you simple definitions that won’t hurt your brain!

We hope this is a useful overview and hasn’t been phonics overwhelm! We have lots of ways to help you more with your own knowledge and to support your child learning at home including two brilliant new online courses which you can access and learn in your own time. Check out the links below to learn more.

As always we would love you to get in touch to tell us if you found this helpful or if you have any questions at all.

Em and Vix xx

All About Sounds Online Workshop

If you have a child aged 2 – 4 this workshop gives you the tools to help them learn the first steps in phonics. 

First Year Phonics

Your ultimate guide to phonics in the first year of school!

Our All About Sounds kit has everything you need to support your child to learn Phase 1 phonics. Full of handy tips, game ideas and resources, this kit is your one stop shop to ensuring your child is prepared for phonics when they start school.

Should I teach my child letters before they start school?

Should I teach my child letters before they start school?

One of the most common questions I get asked as a teacher/ Headteacher when talking about children being ready for school is ‘Do they need to know their letters?’ and many parents worry about their child not ‘knowing enough’ before starting their school journey.

I think you will be pleased to hear that I always answer ‘No!’ There is no requirement for children to start school with any specific knowledge of letters, or numbers or anything else actually.  Schools are ready for children to start at all different levels of knowledge and they teach letters to all children even if they come in knowing some already. Phonics (the method for teaching children to read and write by linking sounds to letters) is taught in Reception classes usually daily. It’s a big part of their first learning at school and it’s normal for children to have very limited prior knowledge of letters.

So the short answer is no, your child doesn’t need to know their letters. However, many children are interested in letter shapes and are keen to learn. If this is the case then there’s no reason to hold your child back from finding out about letters but this blog is about some key information to think about before splurging on a load of letter shaped toys. And just to add here, if your child has no interest at all in letters please don’t worry, that’s very normal. Read on to find some ways you can really help them to be ready for school without a letter in sight.

Before children are really ready for letter recognition there is a huge amount of foundation building that parents and carers (including nurseries, childminders etc) can support with. These foundation skills are vital in getting children ready for their formal phonics teaching. I compare it to building a house, you wouldn’t just start with putting the bricks straight onto the mud, you need to dig out and lay some solid foundations. In order for children to be ready for their phonics learning in school, they need lots of playful experience with sounds which acts as these foundations.

We run workshops in Exeter explaining more about these key foundations and giving ideas for games and play at home. In this Blog post I’m going to give a brief explanation of three key areas which will really help to get children ready for phonics including some easy ideas to try at home. If you are interested to find out more check out our instagram and facebook pages for more ideas and info about workshops.

Listening skills are the first key piece in the phonics foundations jigsaw. This learning starts from the moment our precious little ones are born and we are always being told how important talking to our children, playing music and interacting with noises is for their development. Children need to be able to hear sounds and interpret them to later be able to hear words and unpick the individual sounds in them. 

There are loads of fun things to do with listening;

  • play music
  • make animal noises
  • play listening games when you are out and about
  • use household items to make sounds – bash pots and pans, boxes etc
  • make funny noises with your voices or bodies – clap, stomp, gargle, yawn and see if your child can copy you, apparently Alexa can make animal noises if you ask her!

Rhyming is another piece of the foundation puzzle and an important aspect of early phonics learning. Children don’t need to be able to make up rhymes but to be able to recognise when words sound similar or the same sets them up well for reading and writing skills later on. There is a huge selection of children’s rhyming books out there. Some of our favourites include the ‘Oi Cat’ series by Kes Gray and Jim Field, ‘Rhyme Crime’ by Jon Burgerman and anything by Quentin Blake or Julia Donaldson. Getting audio versions is really lovely especially if you can have them on in the car. Pointing out rhyming words to your children will really help them to distinguish rhyming and non-rhyming words even if they can’t hear the rhyme yet.

Some easy rhyming ideas for at home or on the go:

  • make up little rhyming phrases – let’s go to the park in the dark!
  • find objects/ toys which rhyme around the house and make a collection together (cat, hat, mat, rat etc, you can draw pictures if you don’t have all of the objects!)
  • sing nursery rhymes and childrens song’s as loads of these rhyme. See if you can change the words to make them funny while still rhyming. We often try new versions of ‘Twinkle twinkle’ and the current favourite is “twinkle twinkle little giraffe, how I wonder why you wear a scarf!!” There are much easier words to rhyme than giraffe, my tip is don’t choose giraffe!

Hearing Sounds in words is the third area I’m going to give a few tips on. Being able to hear individual sounds in words is key, it’s the most important skill children can grasp to help them be ready for learning letters. In order to read children need to link sounds to letters or groups of letters. Children who can hear the sounds in words and say individual sounds are really well prepared to start seeing how letters link to them. Making the sounds can be a challenge for adults, we often feel like we didn’t learn in this way and that it’s unnatural to us. We’re working on a page with sounds support and will link here when it’s done, watch this space. Until then there’s a little link to a helpful video under these ideas.

Ideas to practise at home:

  • focus on the first sounds in words and see if children can guess the word. Try “can you put on your sssssssss……..’ and see if you child guesses you mean socks.
  • Go on a treasure hunt around the house for items beginning with one sound eg ‘p’ you could find a pan, pen, pig some pasta etc.
  • Play I spy but use just sounds rather than letter names so say “I spy with my little eye something beginning with ‘ch’ for chair, ‘mmmmm’ for mummy or ‘ffffff’ for frog etc
  • Make up funny lists of words or names for people… magical, musical Mummy! Lovely, lively Lily!

These are just a few ways to support early phonics learning and to give your child some strong foundations of sounds knowledge. If your child is really keen to learn letters or you feel like they are ready then there are lots of ways to do this too. We would always advise learning letter sounds first rather than letter names as this is how children will learn in school. If you do want to introduce letters here are a few ideas:

  • use letter shapes in play – cookie cutters, magnetic letters, stencils etc
  • recognising the letters in children’s name and others in your family
  • looking at letters, they’re everywhere – books, posters, newspapers, road signs etc
  • cutting and sticking letter shapes from magazines or papers – see if you can find lots of the same letter shape
  • messy play – drawing letter shapes in shaving foam, sand, mud etc

If you are able to get out to playgroups and local classes then these will offer great experiences for listening, communicating and getting ready for more formal phonics in school. We go to a great class specifically designed to support children with early phonics learning. It’s called ‘Sounds Right Phonics’ and they are nationwide, offering sessions for babies right up to aged four. The classes are loads of fun, they cover lots of the foundation skills, early letter recognition and even gross and fine motor development. If you are in Exeter/ Exmouth area check out Jess via the link below.

Check out our instagram and facebook pages for more ideas and tips for early learning with your little ones and let us know if you have any comments or questions! 


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