We sometimes write for other publications; here’s our latest guest blog:
Getting the most out of school visits for Families Magazine – a National magazine with advice and recommendations for families.

Transition to Reception during a pandemic.
Starting School can be a scary time at the best of times let alone during a global pandemic! We understand that the whole process can seem...

Why does my child say they’ve done ‘nothing’ every day?
Hands up if your child has ever told you they did ‘nothing’ at school or pre-school? I’m fairly sure this happens 99% of the time to everyone who...

I’ve applied for Primary School, but I don’t think we’re ready!
If you have a child born between 1st September 2015 - 31st August 2016 then you (hopefully) have applied for their Primary School place. In just 6...

Should I teach my child letters before they start school?
One of the most common questions I get asked as a teacher/ Headteacher when talking about children being ready for school is 'Do they need to know...

Visiting Schools – head vs heart!
So you're getting organised and thinking about applying for your child's Primary School place for September and you're feeling smug about booking in...

Applying for a school place!
It seems like only yesterday they were tiny babies in our arms and now somehow, in what feels like a parallel universe where everything runs at...

Making Sense of Reports
As we are edging closer to the end of the academic year, we thought it would be a wise idea to talk about reports. Reports, do exactly what they say...

So we are back to the world of phonics this week and delving into the concept of trigraphs. If you have already read our blog post on digraphs (see...

Place Value
Place Value is a vital part of maths learning for children. It can also include the prase 'partitioning' which I will explain briefly too. Simply:...
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